
Upgrading Angular 7 to Latest Minor Version


Goal: Update your Angular packages to the latest minor version.  

This process is simple, and can apply to any npm package.  To do this you need to run npm install followed by the package name, then specify the versions you want to be between.   In my case, I wanted to install the latest Angular 7 without upgrading to Angular 8.  So for the version, I specify less than 8, and greater than or equal to 7.


syntax: npm install <package-name>@"<version>"

Read More Link in Drupal 8 views

Drupal Views is integrated into Core for Drupal 8.  I was excited to see this since I use views in a lot of different scenarios.  However, recently I encountered an issue that seems unusually complicated for something so trivial.  The read more link, or more specifically, linking to the content itself in the view.  I have a block that uses a fields view, and trim the summary.  I want the user to be able to quickly navigate to the full article, so I need to provide a link. 

DotNetNuke including or excluding files in a theme, skin, or module build in Visual Studio

Developing modules and themes/skins for DotNetNuke is made easy with the module/theme templates from Christoc.  I'm assuming if you're reading this article you are familiar with these templates and use them to build your modules.   If you aren't using these templates you probably aren't experiencing this issue, and this isn't the article for you.  However, you should be using these templates as it automates the packaging of your DNN modules and themes.

DotNetNuke Complete Guide to Inter Module Communication (IMC) using VB code behind

To set up the Inter Module Communication (IMC) functionality, there are two pieces required, a listener and communicator.  I will describe the process by first setting up the communicator, in module X, then setting up the listener, in module Y.


Git push without a password


I have a Linux server with git server installed for hosting my Git repositories. I have a couple different computers I use, a laptop and a desktop, and I either use Git bash or invoke git through windows command prompt, but I get tired of entering my password every time I need to push my project to the server.

To setup the environment to be able to push/pull without a password do the following: 

Changing file and directory permissions in Linux is simple

Permissions can be weird when moving folders and creating files either with SSH or FTP.   If you run into an issue where you need to change many directories (folders) and files at the same time, follow the examples below.


We will be using the chmod command, and I am assuming you are using linux and SSH or terminal.

For changing permissions on a single directory or file, we typically use the following format:

chmod 777 file.txt

where 777 is read, write, and execute for owner group and other (everyone)
